Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Confession Time

I survived the F3 aerobic workout. I am not sore yet but it was a great class, thanks Steph for kickin my booty. Ok here goes my confession, I have been really good for the last few weeks, I mean don't we all slip every now and then???? I cooked comfort food for my family. Our church services were cancelled so I decided to cook a good(bad) meal for us. We had Chicken Fried Steak, French Fries and yes cream gravy............HHMMMMMMMM can you hear how happy my tummy is. I did really good it is all about portion control girls.

My son was at his friends house when I sent him the text about the meal. This is his favorite meal ever. He send me a message right back and said can my friend come too? Sure I had already planned on that call, who turns down that kind of food? Poor thing after half way through his plate he said man I am glad you cooked, we were having leftovers at my house . That made me feel good. I told him he could eat here anytime.

Have you ever fed 4 big boys??? Man they can eat . No wonder as a mom sometimes we are glad when they eat at a friends. Well on to take my acid reflux meds after all that grease. It may be a while before I cook that again.

PS- Thanks Amy & Jackie for keeping me motivated for those classes.
Happy Hump Day......


Amy said...

I am all about a good(bad) meal occasionally!! Hope enjoyed every bite!

Thank YOU for keeping me motivated!!

Hayley said...

sounds like yall had a delicious dinner! =]

and one good(bad) meal every now and then is okay!!

good luck with your weight loss!