Thursday, March 5, 2009

It happened!!!!!!!!!

You all, well most of you know all about my weight loss and time in the gym. I have truly been working hard on this 37 year old body and I am in the best shape of my life. My goal was to loose some weight and tighten up my giggle spots. I had no idea I would start to have defined arms and legs. WOW what a bonus. Nothing comes easy you know, this is where the story gets good. I hate to wear shorts because of all the HAIL DENTS,COTTAGE CHEESE, and CELLULITE that's on the back of my legs. I just don't even look back there anymore. We get home from church and I am getting my clothes on for bed and complaining about my saggy boobs, a small price to pay for weight loss, they make push ups. Anyway as I was semi naked Kyle is in the room and I have my back to him. He yells "YES" !!!!!! I flip around and say "what?"He says these kind words to me , words I have dreamed of hearing. "Hey your Hail Dents are gone, and wow your legs look great". I say "What, where are your glasses"? I jumped to the mirror, I look for a long time . Girls it happened. They are gone , gone , gone. Do you know how long I have carried those things, shaved around them, HUH.........All this time they could have been gone with 6 months of workouts. This is truly a day of happiness, and I hope you all get what I am saying( workout hard) and had a great laugh to go with it. With the Eddins 4, never know what I am going to tell.......til next time.


Charla (SHar-la) said...

That is AWESOME, girl! It's funny, because I have thought the same thing as my pants have started to fit better..."If only I had started this a few months ago, I could be so far ahead of where I am today...If I'd only known how good it would feel...

Missed you at aerobics yesterday! Of course I was dying by the end of it, but it was a good one!

New Mum Online said...

WOW you have really really really inspired me with that post!
That is exactly what happened to me in 2001 (the year I was getting married) when I lost 3 stone. My manager at the time was very jealous of my slim upper arms (no bingo wings) and even noted and commented that I sat more upright at my desk with my improved core, and self esteem. Your post has taken me back in time and made me want to achieve that all over again.
Thank you thank you thank you.
AND thank you for your recent comments.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Liska xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

West Texas Momma said...

You are a hilarious inspiration!!! Congrats on the recent transformation. You are truly a inspiration.

Heather said...

You are such an inspiration, Belinda! I am so proud of you and happy for you. You have worked so hard and accomplished your goals, and that is amazing! I knew you looked very tiny in your little workout pants at church last night! And that was very sweet of Kyle to compliment you.

Jackie said...

You just made my laugh for the morning and it's only 4:30! You are my inspiration (you skinny butt)! LOL