Monday, February 14, 2011


Melba Ray Brown
Born 1/4/31
Gone to be with the Father 2/11/11

What Grandma Was To Us

She was the backbone of this family.

She was the listener

The consoler

The counselor

The caregiver

And at times the worrier

Everyone of us from time to time

Leaned on her

She was a good friend

a good wife, mother and sister, and especially

a good grandmother.
She did what she could and sometimes

what no other person could or would.
She cooked, cleaned, and raised at

Sometime or another her grandchildren.
She was a giver

And thought of others before herself
There were very few times she ever told

Us grand kids NO
She was a pleaser

And a peace keeper

She loved us all and you knew it without her saying it

She showed it with her actions

She was a quilter

And that was what she loved to do

She loved quilting as much as she loved

Us, but not more than she loved the Lord

She was an avid reader

She kept books stacked around her bed, and night stand

We love her and will miss her,

But her strength will stay with us

What shoes no one can fill

What a roll model she was

And continues to be.

We can all learn by the example she set.


Belle said...

A lovely tribute.

Contemplating Cadie said...

I'm so glad you wrote this, Belinda. It's beautiful. I know she was precious to you. You can see by the family she helped to produce, what you and your family is, that she was a great woman. Peace be with you during this time.

Heather said...

What a special lady she was! I'm so sorry for your loss. Love you!

Jackie said...

You said it perfect!! I'm sorry for your loss but we love you!

Dawn Jenkins said...

I am so sorry Belinda!!! so sorry